There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8
Words: C. L. MatÂteaux, in CarÂols Old and CarÂols New, edÂiteÂd by Charles L. HutchÂins (BosÂton, MasÂsaÂchuÂsetts: ParÂish Choir, 1916), numÂber 154.
Music: GorÂdon SaunÂders (🔊
If you know MatÂteaux’s full name, or where to get a good phoÂto of him or SaunÂders (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
Over hills and ovÂer plains,
Ring a thouÂsand bells,
Each the same great truth proÂclaims,
Each the stoÂry tells;
Old, old stoÂry, evÂer new,
Wondrous stoÂry, evÂer true.
Old, old stoÂry, evÂer new,
Wondrous stoÂry, evÂer true.
Shepherds watchÂing once by night,
Watching long ago,
Heard a serÂaph choir bright
Murmur soft and low—
Goodwill and love, love and goodÂwill.
Then anÂgels spoke, and all was still,
Very humÂbly, in a manger—
Holy stars in sight—
Lowly lies a litÂtle strangÂer,
Messenger of light.
He, the proÂmisÂèd of old,
He, the SavÂior long foreÂtold.
Haste ye, shepÂherds, see the wonÂder,
Fear not mock or scorn;
Mark how in proud DaÂvid’s ciÂty
Christ your Lord is born.
His great misÂsion nevÂer shall cease
Till the world be filled with peace.
Sound the truth o’er all the naÂtions,
Wide your joyÂbells fling;
Christ has lived—our great exÂamÂplar,
Brother, Lord, and king.
Sound ChristÂmas, ye seem to say,
God’s peace be unÂto all this day!