Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked,
Matthew 2:1–2Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
Words: From Hymns of the Early Church, by John Brownlie (London: Morgan & Scott, 1913), pages 66–67.
Music: St. Boniface (Gadsby) Henry R. Gadsby, 1875 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
Over trackless regions,
From the morning land,
Bearing costly treasures,
Came a seeking band—
Wise men with devotion,
From the morning land.
Wheresoe’er the star led,
In the ebon sky,
Thither pressed those wise men,
With uplifted eye,
Following the star light
In the ebon sky.
They would find the young king
Whom the star foretold;
They would render homage,
And their gifts unfold,
Bowing low before Him,
Whom the star foretold.
Jesu, Son of David,
God’s Incarnate Word,
Endless, unbegotten,
By the wise adored—
We would bow before Thee,
God’s Incarnate Word.
Not without an offering
Would we seek our king;
But with true devotion
What is noblest, bring—
With a gift so precious,
Would we seek our king.
Jesu, King eternal,
Son of God, divine,
Man, yet still remaining
Of the Godhead Trine—
See, our hearts we give Thee,
Son of God, divine.