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Scripture Verse

Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? Matthew 2:1–2


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: From Hymns of the Ear­ly Church, by John Brown­lie (Lon­don: Mor­gan & Scott, 1913), pag­es 66–67.

Music: St. Bo­ni­face (Gads­by) Hen­ry R. Gads­by, 1875 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:


Over track­less re­gions,
From the morn­ing land,
Bearing cost­ly trea­sures,
Came a seek­ing band—
Wise men with de­vo­tion,
From the morn­ing land.
Wheresoe’er the star led,
In the eb­on sky,
Thither pressed those wise men,
With up­lift­ed eye,
Following the star light
In the eb­on sky.

They would find the young king
Whom the star fore­told;
They would ren­der hom­age,
And their gifts un­fold,
Bowing low be­fore Him,
Whom the star fore­told.
Jesu, Son of Da­vid,
God’s In­car­nate Word,
Endless, un­be­got­ten,
By the wise ad­ored—
We would bow be­fore Thee,
God’s In­car­nate Word.

Not with­out an of­fer­ing
Would we seek our king;
But with true de­vo­tion
What is nob­lest, bring—
With a gift so pre­cious,
Would we seek our king.
Jesu, King eter­nal,
Son of God, di­vine,
Man, yet still re­main­ing
Of the God­head Trine—
See, our hearts we give Thee,
Son of God, di­vine.

The Star of Bethlehem
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)