Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam A. Og­den, The Sil­ver Song (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1870), num­ber 97 (🔊 pdf nwc).

This song was writ­ten to be sung by child­ren on Christ­mas morn­ing. Girls, then boys, al­ter­nate (four lines each) in the first three vers­es, then sing the last verse to­ge­ther.

William Ogden (1841–1897)


What is the song the an­gels sing?
Sweetly sing, glad­ly sing;
What is the song the an­gels sing,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing?
O, Peace on earth, the an­gels sing,
Sweetly sing, glad­ly sing,
O, Peace on earth, the an­gels sing,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing.


O bless­èd morn! O won­drous King!
A Sav­ior born, the Lord’s an­oint­ed,
Enters on the work ap­point­ed,
Leaves the heav’n­ly world awhile,
God and man to re­con­cile.

What is the bless­ing an­gels bring?
Gladly bring, tru­ly bring;
What is the bless­ing an­gels bring,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing?
Good will to men, the an­gels bring,
Gladly bring, tru­ly bring;
Good will to men, the an­gels bring,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing.


O, tell me why should child­ren sing?
Sweetly sing, glad­ly sing;
O, tell me why should child­ren sing,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing?
In Beth­le­hem was born a king,
Children’s king, an­gels’ king;
In Beth­le­hem was born a king,
On a Christ­mas morn­ing.


Then let us all to­ge­ther sing,
Sweetly sing, glad­ly sing;
Then let us all to­ge­ther sing,
On this Christ­mas morn­ing.
Glory to Him whom love did bring,
Sweetly bring, glad­ly bring;
Glory to Him whom love did bring,
On this Christ­mas morn­ing.

