Scripture Verse

Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary His mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against. Luke 2:34


Edward Caswall
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Jean B. de San­teüil, in the Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary, 1680 (Tem­pli sac­ra­tas pan­de, Si­on, for­es). Trans­lat­ed to from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ed­ward Cas­wall, Ly­ra Ca­tho­li­ca, 1849.

Music: Ban­gor Will­iam Tan­s’ur, 1734 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William Tans’ur (1700–1783)


O Zion, op­en wide thy gates,
Let sym­bols dis­ap­pear;
A priest and vic­tim, both in one,
The truth Him­self, is here.

No more the sim­ple flock shall bleed;
Behold, the Fa­ther’s Son
Himself to His own al­tar comes
For sin­ners to atone.

Aware of hid­den de­ity,
The low­ly vir­gin brings
Her new­born babe, with two young doves,
Her humble of­fer­ings.

The ag­èd Si­me­on sees at last
His Lord, so long de­sired,
And An­na wel­comes Is­ra­el’s hope,
With ho­ly rap­ture fired.

But si­lent knelt the mo­ther blest
Of the yet si­lent Word,
And pon­der­ing all things in her heart,
With speech­less praise ad­ored.

All glo­ry to the Fa­ther be,
All glo­ry to the Son,
All glo­ry, Ho­ly Ghost, to Thee,
While end­less ag­es run.