Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the Frank­lin Square Song Col­lect­ion, by John Pier­sol Mc­Cas­key (New York: Har­per & Bro­thers, 1891), page 12.

Music: Jean-Bap­tiste Faure (1830–1914) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jean-Baptiste Faure


Let the palms wave on this most hap­py day!
Greetings they bear to us of joy and glad­ness.
Jesus is come to take all grief away,
He comes to ban­ish gloom and sad­ness.


People and tongues shall chant His praise;
Tune ev­ery voice, His name be glad­ly sing­ing.
Hosanna! Glo­ry to God!
Glory to Him who comes bring­ing sal­va­tion.

His gen­tle voice per­vades the migh­ty throng.
’Tis He who free­dom gives o’er land and sea;
’Tis He who gives in dark­est night a song,
Gives light, O Lord, that we may come to Thee!


Rejoice, re­joice, Je­ru­sa­lem the ho­ly!
Loud let thy joy­ous notes in praise as­cend­ing.
Laud Him, the Child of Beth­le­hem the low­ly,
All hearts aflame, in song all voices blend­ing.
