Scripture Verse

A great multitude…of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne…with white robes and palms in their hands. Revelation 7:9


Stillman Martin (1862–1935)

Words: Ci­vil­la D. Mar­tin, in Hymns of the Se­cond Com­ing of Our Lord Je­sus Christ, ed­it­ed by Bai­lie Brown & Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1911), num­ber 72, alt.

Music: W. Still­man Mar­tin (🔊 pdf nwc).

Civilla D. Martin (1866–1948)



When we meet our great Re­deem­er
When He comes to claim His own,
When the wound prints in His hands and side we see;
We will sing glad hal­le­lu­jahs
To the hon­or of His name;
We will wave our palms of vic­to­ry.


Palms of vic­to­ry, palms of vic­to­ry,
Waving round the throne of Je­sus,
Who once died for me;
Palms of vic­to­ry, palms of vic­to­ry,
We shall wave the palms of vic­to­ry.

When the guests at last have ga­thered
In the pal­ace of the King,
And God’s own for­ev­ermore with Him shall be,
How the hills of God wi­ll ec­ho
With the song the ran­somed sing,
When we wave our palms of vic­to­ry.


In the midst of all the splen­dor
Of the ho­ly, hap­py land
Is our Sav­ior who once died on Cal­va­ry;
Clad in robes of shin­ing beau­ty,
All His saints be­fore Him stand,
Waving high the palms of vic­to­ry.
