Scripture Verse

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6


Albert Midlane (1825–1909)

Words: Al­bert Mid­lane, Sep­tem­ber 10, 1861.

Music: Tyre Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett (1805–1876) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



Passing on­ward, quick­ly pass­ing;
But, I ask thee, whi­ther bound?
Is it to the many man­sions,
Where eter­nal rest is found?
Passing on­ward, pass­ing onward,
Tell me, sin­ner, whi­ther bound?

Passing on­ward, quick­ly pass­ing;
Naught the wheels of time can stay;
Sweet the thought that some are go­ing
To the realms of per­fect day;
Passing on­ward, pass­ing on­ward,
Christ their lead­er, Christ their way.

Passing on­ward, quick­ly pass­ing;
Many on the down­ward road;
Careless of their souls im­mor­tal,
Heeding not the call of God,
Passing on­ward, pass­ing on­ward,
Trampling on the Sav­ior’s blood.

Passing on­ward, quick­ly pass­ing;
Time its course will quick­ly run;
Still we hear the fond en­trea­ty
Of the ever gra­cious One:
Come and wel­come, come and wel­come,
’Tis by Me that life is won.