Scripture Verse

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3


Karl R. Hagenbach

Words: Karl R. Ha­gen­bach, Ge­dichte (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: 1846) (Stille hal­ten dei­nem Wal­ten). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by H. A. P. in the Fa­mi­ly Trea­su­ry, 1861, page 293.

Music: Peace­ful Be George C. Steb­bins, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

George Stebbins


Since thy Fa­ther’s arm sus­tains thee,
Peaceful be (peace­ful be);
When a chast­en­ing hand re­strains thee,
It is He (it is He);
Know His love in full com­plete­ness
Fills the mea­sure of thy weak­ness;
If He wound thy spir­it sore,
Trust Him more (trust Him more).

Without mur­mur, un­com­plain­ing,
In His hand (in His hand)
Leave what­ev­er things thou canst not
Understand (un­der­stand).
Tho’ the world thy fol­ly spurn­eth,
From thy faith in pi­ty turn­eth,
Peace thy in­most soul shall fill,
Lying still (ly­ing still).

Fearest some­times that thy Fa­ther
Hath for­got (hath for­got)?
When the clouds around thee ga­ther,
Doubt Him not (doubt Him not);
Always hath the day­light brok­en,
Always hath He com­fort spok­en,
Better hath He been for years,
Than thy fears (than thy fears).

To His own the Sav­ior giv­eth
Daily strength (dai­ly strength),
To each trou­bled soul that liv­eth,
Peace at length (peace at length).
Weakest lambs have larg­est shar­ing
Of the ten­der Shep­herd’s car­ing,
Ask Him not then, when or how,
Only bow (on­ly bow).