There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:3–4
Words: George Bennard, 1912. Appeared in Heart and Life Songs, edited by Joseph H. Smith & George Bennard (Chicago, Illinois: Evangelistic Institute Press, 1915).
Music: Guangxi George Bennard, 1912 (🔊
In the book of God so precious
We are told of Pentecost,
How the blessèd Lord’s disciples
Tarried for the Holy Ghost.
Pentecostal fire fell on them,
Burning up their sin and dross,
Filling them with power for service,
Making them a mighty host.
Pentecostal fire is falling,
Praise the Lord, it fell on me;
Pentecostal fire is falling,
Brother, it will fall on thee.
Pentecost can be repeated,
For the Lord is just the same,
Yesterday, today, forever,
Glory to His precious name!
Saints of God can be victorious
Over sin and death and hell;
Have a full and free salvation,
And the blessèd story tell.
When the Church of Jesus tarries,
Pentecostal fire will fall,
Sin and wrong will be defeated,
Sinners on the Lord will call.
She will march to glorious victory,
Over every land and sea,
Lifting high the bloodstained banner,
Holiness her motto be.