Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Ephesians 6:17
Words: John T. Boddy, in Psalms, Hymns and Songs Spiritual, by Charles A. Squire, Sarah L. Squire & Seeley D. Kinne (St. Louis, Missouri: Squire & Kinne, 1910), number 82.
Music: Seeley D. Kinne (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Boddy (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Throughout the world today is sounding,
God’s Pentecostal bugle note,
The wisdom of the wise confounding—
O hear it swell and float.
Above the din of earth’s commotion
The midnight cry we soon shall hear;
Arise and prove thy love’s devotion—
The day of Christ is near.
Arise! Arise! Ye heirs of glory—
The Bridegroom’s at the door!
Salvation’s glad and blessèd story,
Proclaim abroad once more.
The King of Heaven earthward marches,
His feet are in the clouds today,
And soon beneath time’s crumbling arches,
He’ll lead us to the fray.
Soldiers of Christ prepare for battle;
A sound of strife is in the air;
We smell the smoke and hear the rattle,
That warns us to prepare.
Up at the voice of thy commander,
The final conflict now is on;
No more to creature comforts pander,
Truth’s vict’ry must be won.
Fear not the foe, but trust thy leader—
The Lord of hosts just at thy side,
Who comes to win—blest Interceder—
A military bride.
And by His power all wrongs redressing,
He soon will seal the awful fate
Of demon hosts around us pressing,
Malignant in their hate.
Press on toward the King’s high calling,
With love’s ambition in thy soul;
Press on while foes around are falling—
Press on toward the goal.
Strong in the Gospel’s full provision,
Prepared for that eventful hour;
March with a bold and firm decision,
Armed with the Spirit’s power.
The glad and welcome news proclaiming,
In every land from sea to sea;
The Conqueror comes in garments flaming
To bring earth’s jubilee.