Scripture Verse

He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. 1:4–5


Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Glo­ria (Barnes) French ca­rol tune. Ar­ranged by Ed­ward S. Barnes (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Barnes,

Edwin S. Barnes (1887–1958)


God chose us to be in Christ,
Long before He formed the earth,
To be holy in His sight
And adopted through new birth.


Praise be unto our God, Fa­ther of our Lord
And our Sav­ior Je­sus Christ!
He has blessed us fully.
Praise be un­to our God, Fa­ther of our Lord
And our Sav­ior Je­sus Christ!
Every spi­ri­tu­al bless­ing, ours!

He has free­ly giv’n us grace,
Lavished on us in His Son.
Full re­demp­tion through Christ’s blood;
Sin’s for­give­ness has been won.


He’s made known His mys­te­ry,
Which in time will be fu­lfilled.
Christ will be the head of all,
Heav’n and earth, as God has willed.


We’re pre­des­tined by God’s plan,
That we might His glo­ry praise.
When the Gos­pel we be­lieved,
We were marked as His al­ways.


We now have the Spir­it’s seal,
Guaranteeing what’s to come;
Till our bo­dies are re­deemed,
Praise to God and to the Son!
