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Scripture Verse

The heavens shall praise Thy wonder, O Lord. Psalm 89:5


Words: The Book of Psalms, Church of Scot­land, 1886.

Music: Shef­field (Ma­ther) Will­iam Ma­ther (1756–1808) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ma­ther (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The prais­es of Thy won­ders, Lord,
The heav­ens shall ex­press;
And in the con­gre­ga­tion
Of saints Thy faith­ful­ness.

Thou hast an arm that’s full of pow­er;
Thy hand is great in might;
And Thy right hand ex­ceed­ing­ly
Exalted is in height.

Justice and judg­ment of Thy throne
Are made the dwell­ing place;
Mercy, ac­com­panied with truth,
Shall go be­fore Thy face.

O great­ly blest the peo­ple are
The joy­ful sound that know;
In bright­ness of Thy face, O Lord,
They ev­er on shall go.

Because the glo­ry of their strength
Doth on­ly stand in Thee;
And in Thy fa­vor shall our horn
And pow­er ex­alt­ed be.

For God is our de­fense; and He
To us doth safe­ty bring;
The Ho­ly One of Is­ra­el
Is our al­migh­ty king.