The heavens shall praise Thy wonder, O Lord.
Psalm 89:5
Words: The Book of Psalms, Church of Scotland, 1886.
Music: Sheffield (Mather) William Mather (1756–1808) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good picture of Mather (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The praises of Thy wonders, Lord,
The heavens shall express;
And in the congregation
Of saints Thy faithfulness.
Thou hast an arm that’s full of power;
Thy hand is great in might;
And Thy right hand exceedingly
Exalted is in height.
Justice and judgment of Thy throne
Are made the dwelling place;
Mercy, accompanied with truth,
Shall go before Thy face.
O greatly blest the people are
The joyful sound that know;
In brightness of Thy face, O Lord,
They ever on shall go.
Because the glory of their strength
Doth only stand in Thee;
And in Thy favor shall our horn
And power exalted be.
For God is our defense; and He
To us doth safety bring;
The Holy One of Israel
Is our almighty king.