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Scripture Verse

Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Psalm 19:1


Words: Ro­bert Walms­ley (1831–1905).

Music: Mor­gen­lied Fred­er­ick Mak­er, 1876 (🔊 ).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of Walms­ley or Mak­er, would you send us an e-mail?


Praise the Lord! His works ex­alt Him
Everywhere o’er land and sea;
Call from rock, and wave and mount­ain,
Speak from bud and leaf and tree;
Stars in si­lence, tell His glo­ry,
Tiny in­sects hum His praise;
Birds of ev­ery song and plum­age
Trill His name in sweet­est lays.
Praise the Lord! O all ye peo­ple,
Young and old in glad ac­cord,
Grateful hearts in song up­lift­ing
Swell the chor­us—praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord! His ten­der mer­cy
Broods o’er ev­ery liv­ing thing;
Calling all the world to nes­tle
Safe beneath His shel­ter­ing wing;
Bruised and broken hearts He heal­eth,
List’neth to the or­phan’s pray­er,
Every cry and sigh He not­eth,
For His love is ev­ery­where.
Praise the Lord! O all ye people,
Young and old in glad ac­cord,
Grateful hearts in song up­lift­ing
For His good­ness—praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord! His great re­demp­tion
Reaches where no thought can climb;
Rebel man, re­stored, for­giv­en,
Conquered by a love sub­lime!
Who can sing that won­drous sto­ry?
Vainly choice­st notes I bring;
Lend your gold­en harps, ye ser­aphs,
While my Sav­ior’s love I sing.
Praise the Lord! O all ye pe­ople,
Young and old in glad ac­cord,
Grateful hearts in song up­lift­ing,
For a Sav­ior—praise the Lord.