Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
Psalm 19:1
Words: Robert Walmsley (1831–1905).
Music: Morgenlied Frederick Maker, 1876 (🔊
If you know when this hymn was written, or where to get a good photo of Walmsley or Maker, would you send us an e-mail?
Praise the Lord! His works exalt Him
Everywhere o’er land and sea;
Call from rock, and wave and mountain,
Speak from bud and leaf and tree;
Stars in silence, tell His glory,
Tiny insects hum His praise;
Birds of every song and plumage
Trill His name in sweetest lays.
Praise the Lord! O all ye people,
Young and old in glad accord,
Grateful hearts in song uplifting
Swell the chorus—praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! His tender mercy
Broods o’er every living thing;
Calling all the world to nestle
Safe beneath His sheltering wing;
Bruised and broken hearts He healeth,
List’neth to the orphan’s prayer,
Every cry and sigh He noteth,
For His love is everywhere.
Praise the Lord! O all ye people,
Young and old in glad accord,
Grateful hearts in song uplifting
For His goodness—praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! His great redemption
Reaches where no thought can climb;
Rebel man, restored, forgiven,
Conquered by a love sublime!
Who can sing that wondrous story?
Vainly choicest notes I bring;
Lend your golden harps, ye seraphs,
While my Savior’s love I sing.
Praise the Lord! O all ye people,
Young and old in glad accord,
Grateful hearts in song uplifting,
For a Savior—praise the Lord.