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Scripture Verse

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psalm 103:1


Susan Peterson

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Vi­sion (Tul­lar) Grant C. Tul­lar, 1898 (🔊 ).

Grant C. Tullar (1869–1950)


Praise the Lord, my soul, O praise Him;
All with­in me, praise His name.
Praise the Lord for all His bless­ings,
And for­get not whence they came.
God for­gives me all my fail­ings,
Heals my sick­ness by His pow­er,
Saves my life from cer­tain judg­ment,
Crowns with love and care each hour.

My de­sires He fills with good things;
Like the ea­gle, I’m re­newed.
The op­pressed are giv­en jus­tice,
And God’s ways by all are viewed.
He’s com­pas­sion­ate and gra­cious,
Slow to an­ger, full of love,
Treats us not based on our mer­it,
Nor sends wrath from Heav’n above.

High as is the sky above us,
Just as great, God’s love for men.
Far as east and west are dist­anced,
He’s re­moved from us our sin.
As a fa­ther has com­pas­sion,
So God’s mer­cy ov­er­flows.
He re­mem­bers how He formed us,
And our frame and sub­stance knows.

As for man, his days are tran­si­ent,
Like a flow­er of the field,
Flourishing, then quick­ly fad­ing,
And its place no me­mo­ries yields.
But God’s love is ev­er­last­ing,
Stretching on from day to day,
And His right­eous­ness con­tin­ues,
Reaching all who will ob­ey.

God has set His throne in Heav­en,
And His king­dom rules o’er all.
Praise the Lord, then, you His ser­vants,
You who heed your mas­ter’s call.
Praise the Lord, you hosts in Heav­en,
Angels who ob­ey His will.
Praise the Lord in all cre­ation;
Praise the Lord, O praise, my soul!