An anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Hebrews 6:19
Words: LaurÂene HighÂfield, in Glad News, edÂitÂed by W. N Cook (HudÂson, North CaÂroÂliÂna: TeachÂers’ MuÂsic PubÂlishÂing, 1916), numÂber 81.
Music: ArÂthur ThoÂmas (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of HighÂfield or ThoÂmas (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
Precious anÂchor of the soul,
’Tis a gift from God’s own hand,
Bringing lastÂing peace and comÂfort,
If the heart will unÂderÂstand;
Looking for a haÂven fair,
We will cast all fear aside,
Till the hope He set withÂin us
Shall inÂdeed be jusÂtiÂfied.
Precious anÂchor of the soul,
Fastened safe withÂin the veil;
Precious gift from God above,
Precious toÂken of His love,
Tho’ the storms of life may bufÂfet me,
Our hope will nevÂer fail.
Precious anÂchor of the soul,
When the waves of doubt run high,
It will keep life’s ship from driftÂing
Till the perÂil has passed by;
Linked with charÂity and faith,
Trusting God who reigns abÂove,
It asÂsures there are no triÂals
That are greatÂer than His love.
Precious anÂchor of the soul,
Faith need nevÂer shipÂwrecked be,
Tho’ grim rocks or shoals may threatÂen
On the opÂen, unÂtried sea;
Knowing beÂtter days will come,
Faith can weaÂther any gale,
If its anÂchor sure and steadÂfast
Has been cast withÂin the veil.
Precious anÂchor of the soul,
When disÂtress and sorÂrow come,
Hope can link the achÂing heart uÂnto
Its glad, eterÂnal home,
Where in shinÂing realms of light,
Love shall find again its own,
With their facÂes bright with gloÂry
That this world has nevÂer known.