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Scripture Verse

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7


Herbert H. Booth

Words & Mu­sic: Her­bert H. Booth, in Songs of Peace and War, 1890 (🔊 ). Booth wrote this song while pre­par­ing for his mo­ther’s fun­er­al.


Summoned home, the call has sound­ed,
Bidding a sol­dier his war­fare cease;
And the song of an­gels re­sound­ed,
Welcomes a war­ri­or to eter­nal peace.
Praise the Lord! from earth­ly strug­gles
A com­rade has found re­lease.
Death has lost its sting, the grave its vic­to­ry;
Conflicts and dan­gers are ov­er;
See him hon­ored in the throne of glo­ry,
Crowned by the hand of Je­ho­vah!


Strife and sor­row ov­er,
The Lord’s true faith­ful sol­dier
Has been called to go from the ranks be­low,
To the con­quer­ing host above.

Once the sword, but now the scep­ter,
Once the fight, now the rest and fame,
Broken ev­ery earth­ly fet­ter,
Now the glo­ry for the cross and shame;
Once the loss of all for Je­sus,
But now the eter­nal gain.
Trials and sor­row here have found their mean­ing
Mysteries their ex­pla­na­tion;
Safe, for­ev­er in the sun­light gleam­ing
Of His eter­nal sal­va­tion.
