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Scripture Verse

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their king. Psalm 149:2


Theodore E. Perkins

Words: Al­fred Tay­lor, in Songs Tried and Proved, ed­it­ed by Rus­sell E. Con­well & Theo­dore Per­kins (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. J. Row­land, 1896), page 4.

Music: Theo­dore E. Per­kins (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tay­lor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Praise ye Je­ho­vah,
Praise the Lord most ho­ly,
Who cheers the con­trite,
Girds with strength the weak;
Praise Him who will with glo­ry crown the low­ly,
And with sal­va­tion beau­ti­fy the meek.


Praise Him for His con­stant care,
His ev­er pre­sent love;
Praise Him, for He hears our pray­er,
And an­swers from above.
Praise God the Fa­ther,
Praise the ev­er bless­èd Son,
Praise God the Spir­it,
Praise the Three in One.

Praise ye the Lord for
All His lov­ing kind­ness,
And all the ten­der
Mercies He hath shown;
Praise Him who par­dons all our sin and blind­ness,
And calls us sons, and takes us for His own.


Praise ye Je­ho­vah!
Source of ev­ery bless­ing—
Before His gifts earth’s
Richest boons are dim;
Resting in Him, His peace and joy pos­sess­ing,
All things are ours, for we have all in Him.


Praise ye the Fa­ther!
God the Lord who gave us,
With full and per­fect
Love His on­ly Son;
Praise ye the Son who died Him­self to save us!
Praise ye the Spir­it! praise the Three in One!
