Scripture Verse

Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. Psalm 148:1


George Rawson

Words: George Raw­son, in the Leeds Hymn Book, 1853, num­ber 200.

Music: Tri­um­phant Host Hen­ry Cow­ard, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Coward (1849–1944)


Praise ye the Lord! im­mor­tal choir,
In hea­ven­ly heights above,
With harp and voice and souls of fire,
Burning with per­fect love.

Shine to His glo­ry, worlds of light!
Ye mill­ion suns of space,
Fair moons and glit­ter­ing stars of night,
Running your mys­tic race!

Ye gor­geous clouds, that deck the sky
With crys­tal, crim­son, gold,
And rain­bow arch­es raised on high,
The Light of light un­fold!

Lift to Je­ho­vah, win­try main,
Your grand white hands in pray­er;
Still sum­mer seas, in du­lcet strain,
Murmur ho­san­nas there!

Do hom­age, breezy ocean floor,
With many-twink­ling sign;
Majestic calms, be hushed be­fore
The ho­li­ness divine.

Storm, light­ning, thun­der, hail and snow,
Wild winds that keep His word,
With the old mount­ains far be­low,
Unite to bless the Lord.

His name, ye for­ests, wave along;
Whisper it, ev­ery flow­er;
Birds, beasts, and in­sects, swell the song
That tells His love and pow­er.

Around the wide world let it roll,
Whilst man shall lead it on;
Join ev­ery ran­somed hu­man soul,
In glo­ri­ous uni­son!

Come, ag­èd man! come, lit­tle child!
Youth, maid­en, pea­sant, king,
To God in Je­sus re­con­ciled
Your hal­le­lu­jahs bring!

The all cre­at­ing De­ity,
Maker of earth and Heav’n!
The great re­deem­ing Ma­jes­ty,
To Him the praise be giv’n!