Scripture Verse

Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power. Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Psalm 150:1–2


Words: Anne Steele, in A Col­lect­ion of Hymns Adapt­ed to Pub­lic Wors­hip, ed­it­ed by John Ash and Ca­leb Evans (Bris­tol, Eng­land: 1769), alt.

Music: Is­cah Lo­well Ma­son, The Mod­ern Psalm­ist (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: John H. Wil­kins & Ri­chard B. Car­ter, 1839), page 57 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Praise ye the Lord, let praise em­ploy
In His own courts, your songs of joy;
The spa­cious fir­ma­ment around
Shall echo back the joy­ful sound.

Recount His works in strains di­vine,
His won­drous works, how bright they shine!
Praise Him for all His migh­ty deeds,
Whose great­ness all your praise ex­ceeds.

Awake the trum­pet’s pierc­ing sound,
To spread your sac­red plea­sure round;
While soft­er mu­sic tunes the lute,
The warb­ling harp, the breath­ing flute.

Ye virg­in train, with joy ad­vance,
To praise Him in the grace­ful dance;
Awake each voice and strike each string,
And to the so­lemn or­gan sing.

Let cym­bals loud now sound on high
To soft­er, deep­er notes re­ply;
Harmonious let the con­cert rise,
And bear the rap­ture to the skies.

Let all whom life and breath in­spire
Attend and join the bliss­ful choir;
But chief­ly ye who know His Word,
Adore and love and praise the Lord!