In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump…the dead shall be raised.
1 Corinthians 15:52
Words & Music: Will O. Jones, 1917 (🔊
On the resurrection morning
When our Lord shall come again,
We shall rise, we shall rise;
In the dawning of that morning,
See the Lamb for sinners slain:
We shall rise, we shall rise.
We shall rise, hallelujah!
We shall rise with Him
In the air;
On the resurrection morning
We shall greet our Lord returning,
Evermore to reign.
On the resurrection morning
We shall see His glory bright,
We shall rise, we shall rise;
Hail our Savior King forever,
Robed in majesty and might,
We shall rise, we shall rise.
How the loved who left us lonely,
Will rejoice to see us there!
We shall rise, we shall rise;
O what singing, O what shouting
When we meet them in the air!
We shall rise, we shall rise.