Scripture Verse

From birth I was cast on You; from my mother’s womb You have been my God. Psalm 22:10


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, Ro­de­hea­ver’s Sun­day School Songs (Chicago, Illinois: Ro­de­hea­ver, 1917), num­ber 228 (🔊 pdf nwc). Al­so see The In­fi­del and His Daugh­ter.


Ethan All­en’s daugh­ter lay dy­ing. Her mo­ther, a beau­ti­ful Chris­tian char­ac­ter, had passed on be­fore her. The daugh­ter, call­ing her fa­ther to her bed­side, said: Fa­ther, I am dy­ing. Mo­ther taught me to love the Lord Je­sus, but you say there is no God.

I love you and my saint­ed mother; I can­not have the faith of both; now, which shall I choose?

The not­ed in­fi­del took his dy­ing child in his arms and said: Stick to your mo­ther’s God! Her way is the saf­est way.

Rodeheaver’s Sun­day School Songs, 1917


The ways of the world may tempt you
With their glit­ter and glint of gold,
And its pro­mis­es may al­lure you
As you watch its mi­rage un­fold;
False pro­phets, the thieves of Sa­tan,
Like vam­pires en­tice their prey;
But stick to your mo­ther’s God:
Her way is the saf­est way.

The pal­ace of sin and plea­sure
May ap­peal to your heart’s de­sire,
For its music is strange­ly thrill­ing,
Like the strains of a gold­en lyre.
But, stop! Ere you cross its thresh­old,
Look back to your child­hood’s day.
And stick to your mo­ther’s God:
Her way is the saf­est way.

Her breast was your first warm pil­low,
When she taught you to lisp His name;
Don’t dis­hon­or that bless­èd me­mo­ry
With the teach­ing of mo­dern shame.
Keep on in the dear old path­way!
Let oth­ers do as they may,
But stick to your mo­ther’s God:
Her way is the saf­est way.