Scripture Verse

May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly. 1 Thessalonians 5:23


Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1908 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Mor­ris,


There is sanc­ti­fy­ing power,
Like a sweet, re­fresh­ing show­er,
Waiting for each con­se­crat­ed heart;
Power to cleanse us from all sin,
Power to keep us pure with­in,
Power for ser­vice which He will im­part.


I’m so glad, I’m so glad
For this sav­ing, sanc­ti­fy­ing pow­er!
Waves of glo­ry o’er me roll,
Peace abides with­in my soul,
I’m so glad for this sanc­ti­fy­ing pow­er!

I’m so glad it reach­es me,
All un­wor­thy tho’ I be,
Overcoming grace made free­ly mine.
Since the Com­fort­er abides,
And with­in my heart re­sides,
I am walk­ing in the light di­vine.


This God’s will for you and me,
That we sanc­ti­fied should be,
Dwelling in this land of plen­te­ous­ness.
Fling your doubts and fears aside;
Boldly cross the Jor­dan’s tide,
And your he­ri­tage in Christ pos­sess.


Songs of prais­es let us sing
To our bless­èd Lord and king
For this great sal­va­tion rich and free:
Every need­ed grace sup­plied,
Every long­ing sa­tis­fied,
Saved for time and for eter­ni­ty.
