He came near Damascus: and suddenly there shone round about him a light from Heaven.
Acts 9:3
Words & Music: James A. Buchanan, 1895 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Buchanan (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the people of God were worshiping,
In Damascus not far o’er the way,
From the bloodthirsty throng at Jerusalem,
Journeyed Saul to bring them away.
As he journeyed he heard a voice say,
Saul, oh, Saul, why persecutest Me?
I am the Lord of Heav’n and earth,
I am Jesus, who died on the tree.
Then he said, Who art Thou, Lord, I pray,
And what wilt Thou now have me to do?
And the Lord said to him, Arise, I say,
’Twill be told thee what thou must do.
Then straight way did the chief of sinners go
To receive God’s own word thro’ His Son;
Blessèd word which is life to the sin-sick soul,
From the cross to the bright golden crown.
Guilty sinner, the Lord is calling thee;
Will you hear while the voice still doth cry?
Will you take His salvation so great and free,
While eternity’s drawing so nigh?
Will you hear while the voice is calling now,
Oh, sinners, oh, wilt thou come to Me?
I am thy light and saving power,
I am Jesus, who died on the tree.