Serve the Lord with gladness.
Psalm 100:2
Words: Daniel W. Whittle, in The Gospel Choir No. 2, by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York: Biglow & Main and John Church, 1895), number 98.
Music: Osasco James McGranahan (🔊
Going forth at Christ’s command,
Going forth to every land;
Full salvation making known,
Thro’ the blood of God’s dear Son.
Saved to serve!
the watchword ring,
Saved to serve our glorious king!
Tell the story o’er and o’er,
Saved to serve forevermore.
Serving God through all our days,
Toiling not for purse or praise;
But to magnify His name,
While the Gospel we proclaim.
Seeking only souls to win,
From the deadly power of sin;
We would guide their steps aright,
Out of darkness into light.