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Scripture Verse

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31


Words & Mu­sic: James A. Brown, 1902 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Brown (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I be­lieve in the sto­ry nev­er old,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve in the Sav­ior long fore­told,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve He’s more pre­cious far than gold,
I be­lieve it!
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.


I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name,
I am saved, for His Word is just the same,
’Tis the same who­so­ev­er,
For His love chang­eth nev­er,
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.

I be­lieve in the tid­ings of His birth,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve in the song of peace on earth,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve ’twas a time of joy and mirth,
I be­lieve it!
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.


I be­lieve that the shep­herds heard the song,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve that they saw the heav’n­ly throng,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve that the glo­ry shone around,
I be­lieve it!
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.


I be­lieve that the wise men saw His star,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve that they fol­lowed from afar,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve that they found the Sav­ior there,
I be­lieve it!
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.


I be­lieve that He came to seek and save,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve that eter­nal life He gave,
I be­lieve it!
I be­lieve I shall live be­yond the grave,
I be­lieve it!
I am saved by be­liev­ing on His name.
