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SAVED! (Leizure)

Scripture Verse

Justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:9


Words: En­och H. Lei­zure, in Sow­ing and Reap­ing, by John H. Kurz­en­kna­be (Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. H. Kurz­en­kna­be & Sons, 1889), num­ber 142.

Music: Bru­no R. Span­gen­berg (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lei­zure (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Bruno R. Spangenberg (1851–1937)


See yon bark amid the break­ers,
Struggling hard to reach the land;
See those brave and no­ble sail­ors,
As they la­bor hand to hand:
Lightnings flash­ing, thun­ders roar­ing,
Dangers threat­en all around;
Yet their cour­age does not fail them,
Hoping safe­ty may be found.


Saved! oh, bless­èd thought to cher­ish;
Saved! we see the gold­en shore;
Clinging to the cross of Je­sus,
There is safe­ty ev­er­more.

Soon the storm be­gins to weak­en,
Light breaks forth, the tem­pest’s past;
Onward speeds the no­ble ves­sel,
Onward, on­ward, saved at last:
Then those hearts are filled with glad­ness,
Fear and sor­row reign no more;
Saved from ship­wreck, free from dan­ger,
Saved! yes, saved! the storm is o’er.


Oh! how oft the storms o’er­take us,
As through life we wend our way;
Clouds of dark­ness hang above us,
Shutting out the sun’s bright ray:
Then we lift our eyes to Heav­en,
Gazing t’ward th’eter­nal day;
And the light grows bright­er, bright­er,
Ent’ring Heav­en—saved for aye!
