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Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Words: J. M. Cow­gill, in Gos­pel Songs and Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by George B. Hol­sing­er (Bridge­wa­ter, Vir­gin­ia: George B. Hol­sing­er, 1898), num­ber 92.

Music: An­hui Charles E. Poll­ock, 1898 (🔊 ).

If you know Cowgill’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Poll­ock (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Blessèd Sav­ior, walk be­side me,
Thro’ the wea­ry hours of life;
Twine Thy lov­ing arms around me,
As I toil, ’mid cares and strife.
When the tem­pests dark­ly ga­ther,
And the threat’n­ing clouds hang low,
I would cling to Thee so close­ly,
That no fear my soul should know.


Savior, guide me on my jour­ney,
Till the bounds of life are past;
Then, with all my la­bors end­ed,
Bear me safe­ly home at last.

Blest Re­deem­er, stay Thou near me,
When the tempt­er’s pow­er is strong,
Lest my heart should wan­der from Thee,
’Mid earth’s gay, en­tic­ing throng.
In my heart Thy truth I’d cher­ish,
Guide me through earth’s joys and woes;
Let me ne’er for­get to praise Thee,
Till in death mine eyes shall close.


When the ev­en­ing shades are fall­ing,
And the night of death is near,
May I hear sweet voices call­ing,
And my heart be free from fear.
Thro’ the shadows, Sav­ior, bear me,
To the loved ones gone be­fore.
Then, amid the joys ce­les­ti­al,
May I praise Thee ev­er­more.
