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Scripture Verse

Lead me, O Lord. Psalm 5:8


Words: Ma­ry A. Ad­ams, 1905.

Music: Aho­li­ab Jo­seph D. Lit­tle (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ad­ams or Lit­tle (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Gently lead me, O my Sav­ior,
Thro’ the wil­der­ness of life;
Grant that all the light and sha­dows,
All the joy and all the strife,
Each may bring me clos­er to Thee;
Nearer to Thy lov­ing side;
May I trust Thee ful­ly, whol­ly,
Saying, Lord, with Thee abide.


May I trust Thee ful­ly, whol­ly,
Lead me to my heav’n­ly home.

O the depth of mor­tal anguish!
O the sor­row and the woe!
Nothing but a gloomy fu­ture
Yawns be­fore me as I go;
On the lone­ly, wea­ry jour­ney
Of my life from day to day;
Yet, dear Lord, Thou’lt not for­sake me;
Wilt Thou, Sav­ior, lead the way?


Help and strength­en me, dear Sav­ior,
For I can­not go alone;
All the wea­ry, gloomy dist­ance
Is en­tire­ly un­known;
Not a ray of light to bright­en
Up the lone­ly, drea­ry way,
And some­times my faith grows dim­mer,
Till I feel I can­not pray.


Tho’ the sea of life is stor­my,
Thou co­ntrolest by Thy will;
Thou canst whis­per words of com­fort;
Thou canst now say, Peace, be still;
All the roar­ing, ang­ry bil­lows,
Every ov­er­whelm­ing tide,
Thou canst check my dear, dear Sav­ior:
I will walk close by Thy side.
