Scripture Verse

Put your finger here; see My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe. John 20:27


Words: Will­iam Luff (1850–?). A dif­fer­ent ar­range­ment of this text, with mu­sic by Will­iam His­lop of Glas­gow, Scot­land, ap­peared in the Rail­way Sig­nal, Volume 22, num­ber 9, Sep­tem­ber 1904, page 171.

Music: Charles Reeves (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Luff or Reeves (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Sav­ior is bend­ing above thee,
To hear what thy spir­it will say,
To the ten­der em­brace of His mer­cy and grace
Will the an­swer be Yea, Lord, or Nay?
I died for thee, sweet­ly He whis­pers,
Thy fin­ger bring near, and touch with­out fear
See, here are the wounds in My hands;
The nail prints,
as o’er thee He stands.


The Sav­ior is bend­ing above thee,
To hear what thy spir­it will say,
To the ten­der em­brace of His mer­cy and grace,
Will the answer be Yea, Lord, or Nay?

Look up in the face of the Sav­ior,
The thorn crowned yet beau­ti­ful brow;
He waits the re­ply of thy tear-dim­ming eye,
Oh, what wilt thou an­swer Him now?
The Sav­ior is bend­ing above thee,
He asks for thy heart in re­turn,
For the heart that He gave, to ran­som and save,
Oh, will not thy glad spir­it burn?


Thou hear­est His of­fers of mercy,
The pro­mise of par­don and peace;
Come, wilt thou not say to His voice a glad Yea,
And bid all thy wa­ver­ings cease?
The Sav­ior is bend­ing above thee,
His quick ear awaits the glad word,
Lord Je­sus, today, I whis­per my Yea,
And know that my an­swer is heard.
