Scripture Verse

I know that my Redeemer lives. Job 19:25


John Goss (1800–1880)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Sam­uel Med­ley, 1775.

Music: Is­ra­el (Goss) John Goss (1800–1880) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Medley (1738–1799)


The Sav­ior lives, no more to die;
He lives, the Lord en­throned on high;
He lives, tri­um­phant o’er the grave;
He lives eter­nal­ly to save.

He lives, to still His ser­vants’ fears;
He lives, to wipe away their tears;
He lives, their man­sions to pre­pare;
He lives, to bring them safe­ly there.

Ye mourn­ing souls, dry up your tears;
Dismiss your gloomy doubts and fears;
With cheer­ful hope your hearts re­vive,
For Christ, the Lord, is yet al­ive.

His saints He loves and ne­ver leaves;
The con­trite sin­ner He re­ceives;
Abundant grace will He af­ford,
Till all are pre­sent with the Lord.