Scripture Verse

Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


H. Grattan Guinness

Words: Fan­ny E. Gui­ness (1831–1898). Ap­peared in Hymns of Con­se­cra­tion and Faith, com­piled and ar­ranged by James Mount­ain and Isa­bel­la Sa­rah Kitch­in Hop­kins (Lon­don: Mar­shall Bro­thers, 1902), num­ber 405.

Music: H. Grat­tan Gui­ness (1835–1910) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Fanny E. Guiness (1831–1898)


Savior, long Thy saints have wait­ed—
Centuries have passed away
Since the pro­mise first was giv­en
Of a glo­ri­ous Ad­vent day.
Grey and old the world is grow­ing,
Loud the scoff­er’s boast is heard;
But our hearts are peace­ful know­ing
We may rest up­on Thy word.


Surely I come quick­ly!
Surely I come quick­ly!
Surely I come quick­ly!
Amen, Lord Je­sus, come!

Lo! the fig tree buds and blos­soms;
Lo! the sha­dows flee away;
Glad we lift our heads ex­pect­ant,
Brief will now be Thy de­lay.
Thou to raise the dead art able,
O’er the grave Thou didst pre­vail;
Heav’n and earth may prove un­sta­ble,
But Thy word can ne­ver fail.


Precious, pre­cious part­ing pro­mise!
Sweetly lin­ger in our ears,
Brightly gleam amid our dark­ness,
Gently soothe away our fears;
Ever nerve us for the con­flict,
Ever fill our souls with joy;
Christ will come and will not tar­ry—
Nothing can our hope de­stroy.
