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Scripture Verse

Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:1–2


Words: Ce­cil F. Al­ex­an­der, 1853.

Music: Chartres 15th Cen­tu­ry French tune (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Cecil Alexander


Saw you nev­er, in the twi­light,
When the sun had left the skies,
Up in Heav’n the clear stars shin­ing
Through the gloom, like sil­ver eyes?
So of old the wise men, watch­ing,
Saw a lit­tle stran­ger star,
And they knew the King was giv­en,
And they fol­lowed it from afar.

Heard you nev­er of the sto­ry
How they crossed the des­ert wild,
Journeyed on by plain and mount­ain,
Till they found the ho­ly Child?
How they op­ened all their trea­sure,
Kneeling to that in­fant King;
Gave the gold and frag­rant in­cense,
Gave the myrrh in of­fer­ing?

Know ye not that low­ly Ba­by
Was the bright and morn­ing star?
He who came to light the Gen­tiles,
And the dark­ened isles afar?
And we, too, may seek His cra­dle;
There our hearts’ best trea­sures bring;
Love, and faith, and true de­vo­tion
For our Sav­ior, God and king.