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Scripture Verse

You search the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, and yet they testify about Me. John 5:39


Harriet Livermore (1788–1868)

Words: Har­ri­et Li­ver­more (1788–1868). The text be­low is based on an adap­ta­tion of Li­ver­more’s hymn in her Mil­len­ni­al Tid­ings, vol­ume 1, page 57 (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: 1831). It ap­peared in The Con­cor­dia, by Al­ma Jane Her­bert (Con­cord, New Hamp­shire: 1907), page 25.

Music: Con­fi­dence (Ro­de­hea­ver) Ho­mer A. Ro­de­hea­ver, 1911 (🔊 ).

Homer A. Rodeheaver (1880–1955)


Yea, Holy Je­sus! in the sac­red page
Thy tes­ti­mo­ny rings from age to age:
Of thee did Mos­es write and pro­phets sing,
Their glo­ri­ous an­ti­type, their heav­en­ly king.
Thy ad­vent first to suf­fer, love and die,
Thy re­sur­rect­ion and as­cent on high,
Thy me­di­at­or­ship at God’s right hand,
Thy se­cond com­ing to the ho­ly land.

Ye Gen­tile peo­ple! hast­en to ob­ey
Thy Sav­ior’s Word, and search it day by day,
Praying that scales and beams may leave your eyes,
That ye may see by faith, by faith ye may rise
On ea­gle’s wings to hail th’ap­proach­ing hour
When Christ shall come—in ma­jes­ty and pow­er;
His pre­sence shames the sun, con­founds the moon,
While round His brow there shines eter­nal noon!