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Harriet Livermore



Born: April 14, 1788, Con­cord, New Hamp­shire.

Died: March 30, 1868, Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Buried: Ger­man­town Church of the Breth­ren Ce­me­te­ry, Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.



Harriet was the daugh­ter of Ed­ward St. Loe Li­ver­more (1762–1832), law­yer and Unit­ed States rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Mas­sa­chu­setts, and grand­daugh­ter of Sa­mu­el Li­ver­more (1732–1803), Unit­ed States se­na­tor from New Ha­mp­shire and pre­si­dent pro tem­po­re of the Unit­ed States Se­nate in 1796 and 1799.

She is re­mem­bered as a prea­cher and world tra­vel­er. Sa­mu­el Teas­dale Li­ver­more (1824–1892) wrote about her in Har­ri­et Li­ver­more, the Pil­grim Stran­ger (Hart­ford, Con­nec­ti­cut: 1884).

She preached to the Unit­ed States Con­gress in 1827, 1832, 1838, and 1843—Am­eri­can pre­si­dent John Quin­cy Adams was in her au­di­ence in 1827.

John Green­leaf Whit­ti­er's poem Snow-Bound has re­fer­enc­es to her.



Omnipresence of Deity

God is present ev­ery­where,
In heaven and earth, in sea and air,
O’er mountain tops, in val­leys low,
Where the lofty for­ests bow;
In blackest night, or noon­day clear,
God is present ev­ery­where.

In the dash­ing tor­rent’s roar,
Or th’ threat­en­ing tem­pest’s pow­er,
In the frag­rant breeze of spring,
With the birds of lof­ti­est wing;
Sun and moon and stars de­clare
God is pre­sent ev­ery­where.

Most de­light­ful is the thought,
Saints can­not go where God is not,
Present, to guard them by His pow­er,
In ev­ery scene and ev­ery hour;
Even in death’s cold arms they sing,
Our souls are safe be­neath His wing.

Harriet Livermore (1788–1868)

