Scripture Verse

The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 2, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip P. Bliss (1838–1876)

Seek­ing to Save was sug­gest­ed by some re­marks made in con­ver­sa­tion with Mr. Bliss, by Dr. Wads­worth, of the Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church of Mo­bile, Ala­ba­ma, up­on the un­ity of the three pa­ra­bles in the fif­teenth chap­ter of Luke.

Whittle, page 143


Tenderly the Shep­herd,
O’er the mount­ains cold,
Goes to bring the lost one
Back to the fold.


Seeking to save, seek­ing to save,
Lost one, ’tis Je­sus, seek­ing to save.
Seeking to save, seek­ing to save,
Lost one, ’tis Je­sus, seek­ing to save.

Patiently the own­er,
Seeks with ear­nest care,
In the dust and dark­ness
Her trea­sure rare.


Lovingly the Fa­ther
Sends the news around,
He once dead now liv­eth,
Once lost is found.
