Scripture Verse

I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Matthew 10:16


Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Times of Trou­ble and Per­se­cu­tion, se­cond edi­tion, en­larged (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1744), pag­es 26–28, alt.

Music: In­dia Ba­sin Scott Wer­de­baugh, 1975 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


See, Lord, the pur­chase of Thy death,
Thy lit­tle fee­ble flock,
Gather, and keep our souls be­neath
The sha­dow of their Rock.
Thy few re­turn­ing sheep be­hold,
By wolves en­com­passed round,
And let us ne­ver leave the fold,
But still in Thee be found.

Regard the num­ber of our foes,
Their sub­tle­ty and might,
Arise, and stop the way of those
Who ’gainst Thy peo­ple fight.
O help of ev­ery help­less soul,
Show forth Thy sav­ing grace,
The fierce­ness of vain man con­trol,
Or turn it to Thy praise.

Thou know’st for Thy dear sake alone
We dai­ly suf­fer shame,
Because we dare our Mas­ter own,
And tri­umph in Thy name.
Thee, Lord, be­fore Thy foes we dare
In word and deed con­fess,
Rejoice Thy hal­lowed cross to bear,
And live Thy wit­ness­es.

Witnesses of th’aton­ing blood
Which did for sin­ners flow,
And brought a guil­ty world to God,
And sprin­kled all below.
That blood we felt through faith ap­plied,
And know our sins for­giv­en,
And tell man­kind the pur­ple tide
Would waft them all to Hea­ven.

For this we reck­on all things loss,
Till Christ the Judge comes down,
To hon­or fol­low­ers of His cross,
And bid them wear His crown.
He tells us He will quick­ly come,
His say­ing we re­ceive,
And we shall all be tak­en home,
And in His king­dom live.

Us, who be­fore the sons of men,
Were bold our Lord to own,
He will, He will ac­know­ledge them
Before His Fa­ther’s throne.
He (while the glo­ri­ous an­gels stand,
Astonished at the grace)
Shall place us all at His right hand,
And speak His ser­vants’ praise.

These (if our hearts may now con­ceive
What God in Hea­ven shall say)
These were the souls who dared be­lieve,
Who dared My Word ob­ey.
Me for their dear re­deem­ing Lord
They ne­ver blushed to own,
But held My name, and kept My Word,
And lived to Me alone.

A pro­verb of re­proach be­low,
They suf­fered for My sake,
Rejoiced My dai­ly cross to know,
My por­tion to par­take.
On earth they lived My wit­ness­es,
My wit­ness­es they died,
And now I for My own con­fess
And speak them glo­ri­fied.

Come then to Hea­ven, your na­tive home,
Be num­bered with the blest,
My Fa­ther’s hap­py child­ren, come,
And on My bo­som rest.
The king­dom take for all pre­pared
That should in Me abide;
Now, I am now, thy great re­ward
Who in My faith hast died.

My good and faith­ful ser­vant thee
I op­en­ly ap­prove,
Possess thy lot, en­throned with Me
In all the pomp of love.
The mead of all thy la­bors this,
This star­ry dia­dem wear,
Enter in­to thy Mas­ter’s bliss,
And reign for ev­er there.