Scripture Verse

There shall be one fold, [and] one Shepherd. John 10:16


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Winn­ing Songs (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1892), num­ber 22.

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

John Sweney (1837–1899)


When the sheep have all been ga­thered,
To the Shep­herd’s fold on high,
And are rest­ing, sweet­ly rest­ing
’Neath a calm, un­chang­ing sky;
When we look with cloud­less vi­sion
Stretching far and far away,
O’er that land be­yond the sun­set,
Where the morn­ing breez­es play.


There, be­side the wells of wa­ter
From ce­les­ti­al springs,
Celestial springs that flow,
There the ev­er­las­ting kind­ness
Of our Sav­ior we shall know.

When our fi­nal march is end­ed,
And the last dread con­flict o’er;
When the world re­cedes for­ev­er,
To re­volve as now no more;
When the hosts of God’s re­deemed ones
With the grand or­ches­tral throng
Of the an­gels and arch­an­gels
Shout their hal­le­lu­jah song.


There’s a ri­ver that pro­ceed­eth
From our Fa­ther’s throne ab­ove,
Still re­flect­ing on its bo­som
His eter­nal light of love;
Oh, to think that on its mar­gin
With our kin­dred we may dwell,
In a home be­yond the sha­dows
Never more to say fare­well.
