Scripture Verse

There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them. Luke 2:8–9


Words: Ri­chard T. Wi­ley, in Songs of Re­joic­ing, ed­it­ed by Fred­er­ick A. Fill­more (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1888), page 137.

Music: Su­gar Land Ri­chard T. Wi­ley, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wi­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Shepherds, watch­ing on the plain,
Heard a strange, sweet sto­ry,
And a glad, an­gel­ic strain
From the choir of glo­ry.

Glory was their theme that morn,
Peace on earth, from Hea­ven;
For to you a king is born,
And a Sav­ior giv­en.

Wise men jour­neyed far to bring—
His bright star es­py­ing—
Presents to the in­fant King,
In a man­ger ly­ing.

We, O Sav­ior! too, would bring
Gifts of love un­feig­ning,
To our pro­phet, priest and king,
Now in glo­ry reign­ing.

Lord, ac­cept our hum­ble praise
From Thy throne low bend­ing;
Hear with gra­cious ear the lays
From our lips as­cend­ing.

Tune our hearts with sweet ac­cord
As we raise our voic­es,
Thus to praise the ris­en Lord,
In whom earth re­joices.

In His name and through His love,
Come we, glad­ly sing­ing
Songs of praise, to float above—
Sweetly up­ward wing­ing.

May we sing these songs of joy
Till earth ties shall se­ver!
Then Thy praise our tongues e­mploy
In the blest for­ev­er.