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Scripture Verse

Thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule My people Israel. Matthew 2:6


John W. Wayland (1872–1962)

Words: John W. Way­land, in Life Songs, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel F. Coff­man & John Brunk (Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing House, 1916), num­ber 213.

Music: John D. Brunk (🔊 ).

John D. Brunk (1872–1926)


Silently, si­lent­ly o’er Beth­le­hem,
Silently come ze­phyrs from the sea, the sea;
Gently, like per­fumed, per­fumed breath;
Gently, like per­fumed, per­fumed breath,
Or mystery, sweet mys­te­ry.
Silently, si­lent­ly, Ze­phyrs from the sea;
Silently, si­lent­ly, O sweet mys­te­ry.

Silently, si­lent­ly o’er Beth­le­hem,
Silently the heav­ens smile above, above;
And all the shin­ing stars beam down,
And all the shin­ing stars beam down,
Like watch­ing eyes, like eyes of love.
Silently, si­lent­ly, smile ye heav’ns above;
Silently, si­lent­ly, watch, O eyes of love!

Silently, si­lent­ly o’er Beth­le­hem,
Silently, from wait­ing courts on high, on high,
Bright an­gel choirs with tun­èd lyres,
Bright an­gel choirs with tun­èd lyres,
In rea­di­ness from Heav’n draw nigh.
Silently, si­lent­ly, wait ye courts on high;
Silently, si­lent­ly, come ye an­gels nigh.

Silently, si­lent­ly o’er Beth­le­hem,
Silently from Heav­en, pure and un­de­filed,
All meek­ly now doth en­ter in,
All meek­ly now doth en­ter in,
The Spir­it of the ho­ly Child.
Silently, si­lent­ly, meek and un­de­filed;
Silently, si­lent­ly, come, O heav’n­ly Child!