Thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule My people Israel.
Matthew 2:6
Words: John W. Wayland, in Life Songs, edited by Samuel F. Coffman & John Brunk (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Mennonite Publishing House, 1916), number 213.
Music: John D. Brunk (🔊
Silently, silently o’er Bethlehem,
Silently come zephyrs from the sea, the sea;
Gently, like perfumed, perfumed breath;
Gently, like perfumed, perfumed breath,
Or mystery, sweet mystery.
Silently, silently, Zephyrs from the sea;
Silently, silently, O sweet mystery.
Silently, silently o’er Bethlehem,
Silently the heavens smile above, above;
And all the shining stars beam down,
And all the shining stars beam down,
Like watching eyes, like eyes of love.
Silently, silently, smile ye heav’ns above;
Silently, silently, watch, O eyes of love!
Silently, silently o’er Bethlehem,
Silently, from waiting courts on high, on high,
Bright angel choirs with tunèd lyres,
Bright angel choirs with tunèd lyres,
In readiness from Heav’n draw nigh.
Silently, silently, wait ye courts on high;
Silently, silently, come ye angels nigh.
Silently, silently o’er Bethlehem,
Silently from Heaven, pure and undefiled,
All meekly now doth enter in,
All meekly now doth enter in,
The Spirit of the holy Child.
Silently, silently, meek and undefiled;
Silently, silently, come, O heav’nly Child!