Scripture Verse

I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in. Revelation 3:20


Rufus H. McDaniel (1850–1940)

Words: Ru­fus H. Mc­Da­ni­el, 1914. Mc­Da­ni­el wrote these words af­ter the death of his son.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


It was the in­stru­ment used by the Ho­ly Spir­it in the con­ver­sion of Po­lice­man Fowl­er dur­ing the Bi­lly Sun­day Phi­la­del­phia [Penn­syl­van­ia] meet­ing.

What the apos­tol­ic preach­ing of the great ev­an­gel­ist failed to do, this song of per­son­al tes­ti­mo­ny did—brought about Fowl­er’s con­ver­sion. More than a hun­dred po­lice­men were led to Christ by the change wrought in the life of one man by this song.

Sanville, p. 32


What a won­der­ful change
In my life has been wrought
Since Je­sus came into my heart!
I have light in my soul
For which long I had sought,
Since Je­sus came into my heart!


Since Je­sus came in­to my heart,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart,
Floods of joy o’er my soul
Like the sea bil­lows roll,
Since Je­sus came into my heart.

I have ceased from my wan­der­ing
And go­ing as­tray,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!
And my sins, which were ma­ny,
Are all washed away,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!


I’m pos­sessed of a hope
That is stead­fast and sure,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!
And no dark clouds of doubt
Now my path­way ob­scure,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!


There’s a light in the val­ley
Of death now for me,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!
And the gates of the city
Beyond I can see,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!


I shall go there to dwell in that ci­ty, I know,
Since Je­sus came into my heart!
And I’m hap­py, so hap­py,
As on­ward I go,
Since Je­sus came in­to my heart!
