He is risen, as He said.
Matthew 28:6
Words: MaÂry B. Smith, in EastÂer TidÂings, edÂitÂed by BentÂley AckÂley (PhiÂlaÂdelÂphia, PennÂsylÂvanÂia: BentÂley D. AckÂley, 1917), numÂber 13.
Music: BentÂley D. AckÂley (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Smith (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
O’er the eastÂern sky rose tints faintÂly lie,
See the dawn is nigh, shaÂdows flee;
Lo, in swift desÂcent anÂgel forms are bent,
All the seals are rent, Christ is free.
Sing His triÂumph, tell the wonÂdrous stoÂry;
Christ has ris’n, oh, tell it o’er and o’er;
Christ hath ris’n, the Lord of life and gloÂry,
And He lives forÂevÂerÂmore.
All their watchÂful zeal, guard and stone and seal,
To us now reÂveal Jesus’ powÂer;
Ere the morn awakes, all His bonds He breaks;
Life again He takes, blessÂèd hour!
Past the bitÂter night, with the dawnÂing light,
All the tomb is bright—sound His praise;
Christ all gloÂriÂous see, His the vicÂtoÂry,
To eterÂniÂty, endÂless days.