Scripture Verse

Thine hands have made me. Job 10:8


Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676)

Words: Paul Ger­hardt, 1659 (Sollt’ ich mein­em Gott nicht sing­en). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by O. E. Wie­land, 1898, alt.

Music: Can­ta­te Do­mi­no Jo­han Schop, 1641 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johan Schop (1590–1664)


Sing, my soul, to God who made thee,
Raise to Heav’n thy grate­ful voice;
All His crea­tures, sing­ing, bid thee
In His good­ness now re­joice.
Pure and ho­ly love un­bound­ed
Fills His ten­der heart and kind;
All who tru­ly serve Him find
Rest, by God’s strong arm sur­round­ed.


Heav’n and earth may not en­dure,
But God’s love is ev­er sure.

E’en the Son He loved so dear­ly,
Died that we through Him might live,
Was e’er love like His, who mere­ly
Lived His life in love to give?
Holy Spir­it, teach and guide me,
Fill my heart with lov­ing faith;
Faith can break the pow­er of death,
Naught I fear with Thee be­side me.


When I sleep His care sur­rounds me,
With new strength and youth im­bues;
His un­bound­ed grace con­founds me,
Each new morn His love re­news.
In sore tri­al and temp­ta­tion
He, my Sav­ior, still is near,
Bids me, Child do thou not fear,
Thou shalt yet see My sal­va­tion.
