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SING ON (Allphin)

Scripture Verse

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy. Psalm 67:4


Words: New­ton W. All­phin, in New Vic­to­ry, ed­it­ed by Em­mett S. Dean (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Na­tion­al Bap­tist Pub­lish­ing Board, 1918), num­ber 67.

Music: M. D. Mc­Whor­ter (🔊 ).

If you know Mc­Whor­ter’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of All­phin, would you send us an e-mail?

Newton Allphin (1876–1972)


Do the cares of life sur­round you on your way be­low,
As you jour­ney home­ward from day to day?
Lift your voice in songs of glad­ness as you on­ward go,
It will drive your sad­ness and gloom away.


Sing on, sing on, glad soul, sing on;
Keep the music ring­ing day by day;
Let songs of joy by year em­ploy,
It will cheer you on your pil­grim way.

Is your faith in­clined to wa­ver?
Does your cour­age fail
When the waves of trou­ble around you roll?
Matters not how great the tri­als that may here as­sail,
Keep the music ring­ing, ’twill cheer your soul.


Does the tempt­er seek
To lead you in­to paths of wrong?
Do the snares of ev­il your way at­tend?
Let the Sav­ior be your shield,
His love your bat­tle song,
And keep sing­ing ev­er till life shall end.
