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Scripture Verse

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Mary Wheeler (1835–1919)

Words: Ma­ry S. Wheel­er, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 3, by Ira D. San­key, James Mc­Gra­na­han & George C. Steb­bins (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1878), num­ber 57. Last words of a faith­ful min­is­ter of Christ, who re­cent­ly died in the hope of the gos­pel.

Music: Phi­lip P. Bliss (🔊 ).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


Eternity dawns on my vi­sion to­day,
Gather round me my loved
Ones to sing and to pray;
The sha­dows are past, and the veil is with­drawn,
Brightly now does the morn
Of eternity dawn.


Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah! Hal­le­lu­jah, we sing!
Jesus con­quered the grave
Robbing death of its sting;
Hosanna! again let the glad an­them ring,
Sing and pray! Eter­ni­ty dawns!

Eternity dawns! Oh, the glo­ries that rise,
How they burst on my soul
In its bliss­ful sur­prise;
With rap­ture the gleam of the ci­ty I see,
Where the crown and the man­sion
Are wait­ing for me.


Eternity dawns! There will be no more night,
I am near­ing the gates
Of the ci­ty of light;
The sha­dows of time are now pass­ing away,
Tarry not, O my Sav­ior,
Come quickly, I pray.


Eternity dawns! Earth re­cedes from my view;
Weeping friends, now fare­well,
I must bid you adieu;
I’m rest­ing in Je­sus, His mer­its I plead,
Fear ye not, for my God
Shall sup­ply all your need.


Eternity dawns! ’Tis a source of con­tent,
That in preach­ing sal­va­tion
My life has been spent;
’Tis Je­sus my all, and the Sav­ior of men,
May His grace be up­on
You for­ev­er. Amen.
