Scripture Verse

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6


William T. Dale (1845–1924)

Words: Ed­ward H. Roy, 1910, alt.

Music: Di­yar­ba­kır Will­iam T. Dale, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edward H. Roy (1866–1926)


I’ve heard of a ci­ty
That’s far, far away,
Where there is no dark­ness,
But one cloud­less day;
The streets of that ci­ty
Are paved with pure gold;
The walls are of jas­per,
And grand to be­hold;
Where Je­sus, the Sav­ior,
Is King of all kings,
Where an­gels re­joice
In the songs that they sing:
I heard the sweet sto­ry,
Though far, far away,
And tra­vel­ing the road
That had led me as­tray.

But in that lone dark­ness
I heard a voice say,
Now list­en to Me,
I’m the Life and the Way.

I stood in am­aze­ment,
’Twas so new to me,
I heard those sweet words,
But no one could I see.
The voice spoke again,
Listen to what it said:
Come, drink of My blood
And eat liv­ing Bread.

I was so am­azed I
Could not un­der­stand,
Till one of God’s se­rvants
Expounded the plan.

He told of the Sav­ior,
Who died on the tree,
To save a poor sin­ner,
A sin­ner like me;
I saw my con­di­tion,
I saw my sad plight,
I dropped on my knees,
And I prayed for the light;
I rose from my knees,
And the dark­ness was gone,
The light of the Gos­pel
Most bright­ly now shone:
The dark­ness had fad­ed
Fore’er from my sight,
And I un­der­stood now
That God was the light.

Then I was as hap­py
As hap­py could be,
For I knew my Sav­ior
Had saved one like me;
Then why should I trou­ble,
Or why long­er roam?
’Tis Je­sus, my Sav­ior,
Prepares me a home.
And soon the dark clouds
Will roll back as a scroll,
Revealing the ci­ty
Whose streets are of gold;
With shout­ing the saints shall
Ascend up on high,
And dwell in those man­sions
Beyond the blue sky.