Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise.
Matthew 21:16
Words: Anonymous, in The Abridged Academy Song Book, by Charles H. Levermore (Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn, 1903), page 231.
Music: Scotts Bluff F. R., 1903 (🔊
If you know the author or composer, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Sing, O children, sing with gladness,
Raise your happiest, noblest strain;
Sing the praises of your Savior,
Come from Heav’n to earth as man.
Him let all your voices honor,
All your songs exalt His name;
Tell how He came down from Heaven,
Saving men from sin and shame.
Once He tasted death for all men—
He of all mankind the head,
Spotless He among the sinful,
Lord of Life among the dead.
Well He wrought our full salvation,
And the captor captive led,
Till throughout the wide creation
All things hail Him as their head.
Now in Heaven, yet ever near us,
From the Father’s throne He views
All things gathered and completed—
All His ransomed ones He knows.
When the crown of His dominion
He before the throne shall cast,
Then throughout the wide creation
Heav’n and earth be one at last.