The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Psalm 19:1
Words: Phillips Brooks (1835–1893).
Music: Chenies Timothy R. Matthews, 1855 (🔊
If you know when this hymn was written, would you send us an e-mail?
The sky can still remember
The earliest Christmas morn,
When in the cold December
The Savior Christ was born.
No star unfolds its glory,
No trumpet wind is blown,
But tells the Christmas story
In music of its own.
O never failing splendor!
O never silent song!
Still keep the green earth tender,
Still keep the gray earth strong,
Still keep the brave earth dreaming
Of deeds that shall be done,
While children’s lives come streaming
Like sunbeams from the sun.
O angels sweet and splendid,
Throng in our hearts and sing
The wonders which attended
The coming of the King;
Till we too, boldly pressing
Where once the shepherds trod,
Climb Bethlehem’s hill of blessing,
And find the Son of God.