Scripture Verse

She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger. Luke 2:7


Herbert H. Wernecke (1895–1975)

Words: Bo­he­mi­an, trans­lat­ed by to Eng­lish by Her­bert H. Wer­nec­ke.

Music: Bo­he­mi­an, har­mo­nized by Pro­fess­or Sta­nov­sky (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Sta­nov­sky’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Sleep, lit­tle Ba­by, sleep, O sleep,
Mother dear sang.
Tenderly rest, Child, sleep in peace,
Her soft voice rang.
Sleep, heav’n­ly Child, ten­der­ly sleep,
Lord God art Thou.
Heaven and earth in prais­es join,
Praise to Thee now.

Lowly in man­ger camest Thou,
Us to re­deem.
Shepherds re­vered Thee, wor­shipped Thee,
Holiest scene.
Heavenly star shone on Thee bright,
Radiant Lord.
Peoples of earth are drawn to Thee,
Hence ev­er­more.

Angels be si­lent, sleep, O Child,
Peace may here reign.
Bow be­fore Him, ye na­tions all,
In glad re­frain.
God sent His Son to set us free,
Peace to ac­cord.
Let us then praise and honor Him,
Jesus our Lord.