Scripture Verse

A soldier wants to please his commanding officer, so he does not waste his time doing the things that most people do. 2 Timothy 2:4


Words & Mu­sic: Li­ly R. Mor­ris, The Re­vi­val No. 6, ed­it­ed by Charles D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: Char­lie D. Till­man, 1910), num­ber 179 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mor­ris (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We are march­ing on, ten thou­sand strong,
To bat­tle for the Lord;
In His name we fight for the cause of right,
According to His word;
Gath’ring up each day, along the way,
Recruits for Him so true,
O sol­diers brave with cheer and hope to save,
O come, there’s need of you.


Sing, O sing,
Make glad hal­le­lu­jahs ring,
As we march along, let us shout in song
The prais­es of our king;
Yes sing, O sing,
Make glad hal­le­lu­jahs ring,
As we march along,
Shout His praise in song,
O sol­diers of the King.

Willing work­ers, come, let ev­ery­one
Step out for God and love;
Just a word in need, or a kind­ly deed,
Makes vic­t’ry for­ward move;
Never fail to do what is asked of you,
It may be just a smile,
’Twill help to win the fight that you are in,
Your part is well worth­while.


We are march­ing on, a glad­some throng
Of Chris­tian sol­diers brave;
To the front we go, with our hearts aglow,
O see our ban­ner wave;
Yes, the foe we’ll meet, but oh, how sweet
To con­quer for the right!
With hearts sin­cere, be there no need to fear,
Sufficient in His might.
