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Scripture Verse

This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go. Acts 1:11


Words & Music: Frank M. Lynn, 1920 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in Ev­an­gel­is­tic Hymns, by Tho­ro Har­ris (Eu­re­ka Springs, Ar­kan­sas: Tho­ro Har­ris, 1930).

If you know Lynn’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


We shall have a won­drous home in glo­ry,
Some glad day, some glad day,
Where we’ll sing with saints the bless­èd sto­ry,
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.
When He comes, O how I long to meet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
When He comes, O how I long to meet Him!
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.

All earth’s sin and strife will then be end­ed,
Some glad day, some glad day,
When to Heav­en’s home we have as­cend­ed,
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.
Glory, glo­ry ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
Glory, glo­ry ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.

Blessèd thought we’ll sweet­ly rest for­ev­er,
Some glad day, some glad day,
After we have crossed be­yond the riv­er,
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.
O ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
O…’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day when Je­sus comes.