This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go.
Acts 1:11
Words & Music: Frank M. Lynn, 1920 (🔊
). Appeared in Evangelistic Hymns, by Thoro Harris (Eureka Springs, Arkansas: Thoro Harris, 1930).
If you know Lynn’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
We shall have a wondrous home in glory,
Some glad day, some glad day,
Where we’ll sing with saints the blessèd story,
Some glad day when Jesus comes.
When He comes, O how I long to meet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
When He comes, O how I long to meet Him!
Some glad day when Jesus comes.
All earth’s sin and strife will then be ended,
Some glad day, some glad day,
When to Heaven’s home we have ascended,
Some glad day when Jesus comes.
Glory, glory ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
Glory, glory ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day when Jesus comes.
Blessèd thought we’ll sweetly rest forever,
Some glad day, some glad day,
After we have crossed beyond the river,
Some glad day when Jesus comes.
O ’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day! Some glad day!
O…’twill be joy to greet Him!
Some glad day when Jesus comes.